Oldmain - New Year felicitations to you all

Friday, September 29, 2006

Snakes..... On a plane.

I thought that since I hadn't posted for a couple of days, I should probably contribute something to the blog and the first thing that sprang to mind was a movie that I saw recently - Snakes on a Plane.

One of the first things I feel I need to point out about this movie is the most obvious: The title. Snakes on a plane pretty much sums up the entire movie. For this reason, I'm not going to have a whinge about how there is no storyline or character development or anything else that other people claim that the movie is lacking.

I mean come on. Snakes on a Plane. What the hang did they expect?! The title says Snakes on a Plane and snakes on a plane is what you get. I'll also add here that the nature of the title automatically rules out any possiblity for the movie to be taken seriously. It is just an excuse for the director, David R. Ellis, to have a lot of fun in seeing how much chaos can be caused when a bunch of snakes get set loose in an airborne plane.

And whatever anyone else says, I think that it makes a highly entertaining movie. Sure, it isn't perfect cinema, traditionally speaking, but it's packed with action filled snake scenes. I hate snakes, but I like the movie so much I went back to see it again with Dan. The first thing Dan said when we came out of the cinema was "How did you sit through that movie two times?! It had no storyline!" Which demonstates my point of it not needing a good storyline to be entertaining.

I think that Samuel L. Jackson is undoubtedly the high point in this film though. Even better than seeing a snake attack a man in the bathroom and biting his, well, you know what. Bursting forth with lines like "Sporks?!", "Oh great, snakes on crack!" and everyone's favourite, "I have had it with these motherf***ing snakes on this motherf***ing plane!" And I think we can all agree that no one says "Motherf***cker" better than Samuel L. Jackson. Plus he saves the day in the end (of course) and asks the spunky flight attendant out for dinner.

If you're looking for a philosophical movie that makes you question life, then don't bother with this one. However, if you want a bit of gore, a lot of havoc, snakes slithering all over people and biting them in odd places, and LOADS of entertainment then I can highly recommend Snakes on a Plane.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I think I may be on to something.....

Check it out:

Fat Bastard + Bubbles de Verre



I have a very important question for you all:

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ohhhh Nellyville....

Just so you peeps know, my Nelson page is already coming along nicely. But I kinda want to stick with our original plan and make the website - seriously, it's not that hard, and its way more impressive.
I reckon I could finish it in a weekend (easy) including my reviews for a movie and for music. By weekend, I mean Sunday, coz I work through the weekend, and by Sunday, I mean next Sunday because I have three assignments due next week. We can totally stick with the blog, but I think having an actual webpage with a link to our blog would be much better.

Just my humble opinion.....

I would also offer to do it all myself, but I need the raw skills of Web Master Grey-Ham.

Monday, September 25, 2006

I remembered my password - FUCK YEAH!! And as for the quiz, I am:

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Aragorn, Putting your appointed path ahead of any inner conflicts, you make your own rules for the benefit of all.
If my life or death I can protect you, I will.


But now, as I watch New Zealand Idol (which should be called incompetent Idol, they are really pants!! I know I have the singing ability of a chainsaw - but come on - BOO, get off the stage!!) while doing my assignment (my converging of New Media - blogging while watching TV). But I would like to share elements of my day with you all - why?? Because I can...

This morning, I watched my bus drive past as I stood in my driveway. All I needed was an extra 30 seconds in order to catch it. I didn't really need to savour my cup-of-tea for as long as I did this morning, but I did. So after hauling ass into town, I nearly missed my 'last chance' bus. GOSH.

To make my day even more interesting, I realised something today when attempting to have some lunch. I did, it's true - ask me. I realised how much we rely on one piece of equipment :

Ah, the mighty can opener. We have two in our flat, but I couldn't find either - as my lunch waited, trapped in a cold tin prison. After much complaint and fist-shaking, I found ONE under a pot. But what really disturbed me is there was something on the can opener... some fur... belonging too:

SPARTICUS!!! Why was a can opener near my cat?? What were they trying to open??

To make lunch matters worse, I decided to make myself a hot chocolate. I realised that I had used the last of my milk in the morning, so whose milk had I used for my drink?? Turns out - it wasn't anyones, I plain forgot to put milk in. So I was essentially drinking flavoured boiling water.

However - back to the can opener, there is a story I would like to share.... After going through the utilities drawer and making a lot of noise, Susie announced (and with some force) "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAN OPENER" - Imagine the hilarity when she held this up:

A garlic crusher.

It was O for Awesome

Wow, been a while since I've used this!

And it sure shows.

After about four goes at getting my password and username corresponding correctly I spent at least 15 minutes actually working out how to get to the "posting" section.

I'm 20 and I'm about as technologically incapable as my dear mother. And I hate to say it but she can touch type, which is something I'm yet to master.

Even my 14 year old cousin seems to have more knowledge of the internet and speedy typing than I do. Honestly, I'd never hearn of "Bebo" before she told me to use it. Actually she just asked me if I had Bebo and I felt so out-of-the-loop that I promptly went and googled it, discovered that it seemed to be another version of "My Space" that everyone my cousin knew seemed to have. I subsequently made myself a Bebo account. Well, I started to make one but then got bored with all the questions it was asking me, such as "I am scared of:.........." and other really weird things....

My cousin then proceeded to send me the link to her Bebo account. It was all professional looking and personalised and every question that the bloody profile page had asked, had been answered, all in wOrDs LiKe ThIs. After about 10 seconds of trying to read it my eyes hurt too much to continue, so I abandoned my attempts and went back to the Gerolsteiner website to read the team cycling news.

I might also point out that when I do speak to her online I can hardly understand what she's saying. I mean, it's all good to abbreviate, sure, but I honestly never know what she's on about!

Maybe I'm not up with it, but it took me a few minutes to work out what "wuu2" meant.

Yikes, I need some help!!!