Merry Christmas, my friends

Ho Ho Ho, you ho's
It's that magical time of the year, when you watch your funds magically disappear from your bank account. It'll only take a couple of months to regain this finance, but will you remember to budget for next year?? No, no you won't.
So kids, it's time to embrace the tea-towels and socks from gran (I need tea-towels and socks actually), and gorge yourself on the free meal. We're at the age where we can drink blatantly in front of our loved ones, and also at the age when we understand why our other family have always drunk heavily at christmas, so we can stand our loved ones for long periods of time.
It's sad to think that my child-like excitement of Christmas has vanished into stress, but thats life I suppose, and despite all the tea-towels and useless crap and chocolate that I don't actually want, I will have fun this Christmas - and I hope you do too :)
Because dreams are free, this is what I would buy you all if I had the funds:
John boy, an all expenses paid trip around the South Island. No time-limit, and shopping included.
Tim tam, I would buy you Radioworks, now you run the show!! Can I have a job though??
Sus, the biggest, coolest, fuck-off paddling pool that ever existed, with all the bells AND whistles, slip'n slide and I'll throw in a hydroslide. It'll be heated too (should you just want to use it in Palmy!!).
Hope you guys have a really happy holiday, and I'll try and see ya'll soon.
Love and biscuits,
Yeeeeeah! You rock!!! :-D
Susie, at 1:32 pm, December 18, 2006
Wow, you guys!!! You know me (and Palmy) oh so well!!
Roslyn, at 11:46 am, December 20, 2006
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