Sparti's Big Adventure

First of all, let me just say having dial-up internet is shitty!!! This post is taking so long to make, and don't get me started on how long it takes to do anything on myspace!!
Anywho - I have been in Wellington for a whole three weeks now!! I have worked everyday except for the first weekend I was here, and the three days I took off to see U2. So I have flat fucking tack and too frustrated with the internet to check my messages and contribute to Oldmain. So I thought it was approproate to share a story about the real star of Palmerston North. Sparticus.
Sparticus has been under house-arrest since we got here, I have bought her a fan and various toys, a new bed (so when she gets REALLY annoying I can chuck her in the kitchen as we have no lounge) and lately, run of the house when I'm at work. I've been waiting for a day off or a nice evening (where I'm home for longer than an hour) to take her outside (bought her two harnesses and everything) but today on arrival home, we found the Christmas tree that Corinne had set up in her room on the floor, with decorations and all sorts EVERYWHERE.
Other flatmate Hazel came home later on this evening and said that she had something to tell me about Sparticus. I said I knew about the tree, but that wasn't it. No no.
Wee madame had her first big adventure... outside... accidently...
Hazel had left the front door wide open and Sparticus plain got out. After an hour and a half of Hazel shitting herself over what she was going to tell me, Sparticus came back all by her onesies, and I was none the wiser when I found her sitting on my windowsill when I arrived home.
I am such the over-protective mum. Sparticus was probably fine to go outide two weeks ago, no harness or watchful eye needed!! So god-knows where she went or what she did, but she was fine, and come back all by her onesies, so she obviously knows where home is.
In fact, she probably has better sense of direction than I do, I still get totally lost!!
So wee Sparticus is going to be doing the big-girl thing now, and going outside when she wants all by herself. Probably about time actually, she's been meowing heaps as she sleeps during the day when I'm at work, but wants me to play with her when I'm trying to get some sleep. Once I woke up with her green feather thing all licked and gross beside my head.
Wish her luck in the big-wide world of Petone!!
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