Oldmain - New Year felicitations to you all

Monday, September 25, 2006

I remembered my password - FUCK YEAH!! And as for the quiz, I am:

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Aragorn, Putting your appointed path ahead of any inner conflicts, you make your own rules for the benefit of all.
If my life or death I can protect you, I will.


But now, as I watch New Zealand Idol (which should be called incompetent Idol, they are really pants!! I know I have the singing ability of a chainsaw - but come on - BOO, get off the stage!!) while doing my assignment (my converging of New Media - blogging while watching TV). But I would like to share elements of my day with you all - why?? Because I can...

This morning, I watched my bus drive past as I stood in my driveway. All I needed was an extra 30 seconds in order to catch it. I didn't really need to savour my cup-of-tea for as long as I did this morning, but I did. So after hauling ass into town, I nearly missed my 'last chance' bus. GOSH.

To make my day even more interesting, I realised something today when attempting to have some lunch. I did, it's true - ask me. I realised how much we rely on one piece of equipment :

Ah, the mighty can opener. We have two in our flat, but I couldn't find either - as my lunch waited, trapped in a cold tin prison. After much complaint and fist-shaking, I found ONE under a pot. But what really disturbed me is there was something on the can opener... some fur... belonging too:

SPARTICUS!!! Why was a can opener near my cat?? What were they trying to open??

To make lunch matters worse, I decided to make myself a hot chocolate. I realised that I had used the last of my milk in the morning, so whose milk had I used for my drink?? Turns out - it wasn't anyones, I plain forgot to put milk in. So I was essentially drinking flavoured boiling water.

However - back to the can opener, there is a story I would like to share.... After going through the utilities drawer and making a lot of noise, Susie announced (and with some force) "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAN OPENER" - Imagine the hilarity when she held this up:

A garlic crusher.

It was O for Awesome


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