Oldmain - New Year felicitations to you all

Thursday, October 05, 2006

When you want something fast, inexpensive and artery blocking....

I have an idea for you...........................

Go to Pizza Hut! All you can eat, $9.90 for lunch.

I'm back in David Burton mode baby!

Today, as John needed a study break and I needed something to do, we decided to go out for lunch. But where to? John was starving, I was relatively hungry and we are both students. So, the obvious solution to our problems was to go to Pizza Hut - All you can eat!

While it may have been the solution to our hunger and monetary problems, it was just the beginning of all sorts of other ones.

School holidays. A large chunk of the restaurant (if one can call it that) was taken up by a screaming mass of children. I know and understand that when you compromise on price, of course you are going to compromise on other things. The atmosphere was less than enjoyable as we sat down with our first round of artery clogging pizza.

A second round of pasta and chips (or in my case pasta and coleslaw) followed. But we encountered a rather nasty surprise. The pasta sauce. When you come across a cream coloured pasta sauce you automatically assume that it is something like cheese, or Alfredo or something of that sort. However as we sat down we discovered that it was in fact..... Chicken.

Chicken sauce. On pasta. Like they had opened up a few tins of condensed chicken soup and had dumped it on their stupid hot plate "keep the food warm" thing. We began to wonder if it may have been a wiser idea to choose the red sauce. Don't ask me what it was, I wouldn't like to assume tomato, it was just very red.

We finally arrived at the dessert stage. Finally we were expecting something nice - the lovely chocolate mousse there always seems to be without fail. We were to be disappointed. In this time, the majority of the screaming children had left, but so had all of the mousse! I approached a man who was cleaning up the tables, throwing the scraps into buckets (I mean honestly, was it a farm or something? There were still people dining there!) very publically.

He was kind enough to arrange for some more mousse to be brought out and we finished our meal on a fairly average note.

Now... It's rating time!

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh. But I did give them the benefit of the doubt with the atmosphere since I can appreciate that it's not always school holidays and there are not always children running around screaming or scraps being thrown into buckets in front of the patrons still dining.
We only drank water and while it was iced, the glasses looked greasy. Plus they only offer the Pepsi range which I think is inexcusable. (They are however a liscenced restaurant and do sell RTDs such as KGBs and the like.
So - when you are simply hungry, desperate to eat and lacking money, then head to Pizza Hut.
Happy artery clogging everyone!


  • You should have seen the food scraps being loaded into the buckets, like bloody pig food or something!



    By Blogger Susie, at 7:04 pm, October 06, 2006  

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