Oldmain - New Year felicitations to you all

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday Trauma

Last night something traumatic happened to me. I feel a bit better about it today, better enough to talk about it....

I went to use the toilet last night (I needed to wee) but I soon realised a big reason why LIVING WITH BOYS IS NOT COOL. They leave the toilet window WIDE OPEN (for obvious reasons) and don't ever want to shut it. So when I turned the light on, A HUGE FUCKING MOTH FLEW IN THE WINDOW AND TRIED TO EAT MY FACE OFF!!!!! Now as much as I hate moths, I can handle one being in the room, and I have been known to even get rid of them all by myself - but when my bladder is full and a moth is trying to kill me, I tend to freak out.

I asked Luke to do the boy thing and get rid of it for me, but he said "spray it with the air freshener" which wasn't of any use because that was where the little creature from hell was flying. We did have some bug spray under the kitchen sink, so I sprayed the majority of the can on it (I felt kinda sorry for it dying slowly, so I sprayed more on it, which actually seemed to slow down the dying process....) but as it flapped around on the floor I could see the light reflecting off it's eyes, and they were BRIGHT RED. Straight from hell I tell you.

I don't know where it was this morning, I think Luke may have flushed it (no one wants something with beedy red eyes staring at you while you try to urinate). The only thing that would have made it worse, would have been if it was a spider - had it been a flying spider I probably would have wet myself and then died from terror, or called Richard Branson to take me to the moon where there are no spiders.


  • I like moths! I wrote a short story about them once when I couldn't sleep and they were battering around the light in my room. It is possible that I may have been drunk, but that's not the point!

    By Blogger Susie, at 6:08 pm, October 03, 2006  

  • Now ANTS. They are bloody scary. They way they are so organised and follow eachother! My skin crawls every time I see them!

    By Blogger Susie, at 6:09 pm, October 03, 2006  

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